
Hey Ed. It doesn’t really matter which order you expose each filter. I go for the flatter, low contrast print because I prefer it and add in the blacks when needed. I don’t always use a split grade. Maybe a little to do with how I was taught too. My exposure times are short because my bulb is probably too strong, even with the lens stopped down😎

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Interesting. When split-grading I tend to go the opposite way and do the higher contrast grade first and add in highlight detail with the lower grade second. That's the way the former darkroom print technician at Kiln Photo has taught me. Your times are also much shorter than mine, though they may not be your final print settings. I tend to settle on having the bulb on for 10" or more to allow some time for control when dodging and burning. Just interested in your method and how you've come to it - would you be able to elaborate a bit more?

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